Regulatory Compliance and Sustainability Services

sustainability consulting

Take the Next Step on Your Sustainability Journey

sustainability training and workshops

Need a lunchtime or half-day training session to kick-start or refocus your Green Team? Or a multiple-day, deep-dive workshop to plan and integrate a new sustainability management system? Either way, I’m ready to help your organization take the next step on its Sustainability Journey.


You can’t change what you don’t measure. My water, energy and waste audits will show where and how you can save money on utility bills through conservation practices, efficiency measures, equipment upgrades, and employee behavioral changes. I use the EPA’s Energy Star Portfolio Manager to enter, track and report your data so you can monitor your environmental performance over time.


An SSC Green Audit® of your office will include a 30- to 60-minute primer on sustainability; an employee survey on readiness to adopt sustainable practices; a facility inspection to gauge your energy, water, material and waste impacts; a follow-up presentation to discuss survey and inspection results; and a final report with recommendations for cost-saving improvements.

organizational SUSTAINABILITY management PLANNING

An effective Sustainability Management Program will inspire your employees and move your organization beyond baseline compliance. Based on your specific needs, we will map the course together to help you create a long-term vision, use back-casting to set goals and develop metrics, and allocate the required resources to measure and monitor your progress through a continual improvement process.

Statement of Qualifications and Rate Schedule available upon request